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13 janvier 2016

FSDS Donated Christmas Gift worth over 1mRwf to Burundian refugees in Bugesera Reception Center.

The gift handover ceremony took place at the center location in Bugesera district on the 17th December 2015. The donation includes 1 tone of Pakstan rice and two bags of clothes which are all worth over one million Rwandan Franc. Rice was retailed in small sacks of ten kilograms by which one family has been getting a 10 kg sack.

The idea to help Burundian refugees in Bugesera reception center came from the Refugee Coordination Meeting (RCM) that took place on 8th December 2015 at UNHCR headquarters, when all UNHCR partner organizations were commended to identify a Christmas gift for refugees in different camps.
The ceremony was officiated by the camp manager, MIDMAR representative and Staff from ADRA who was responsible for stores.

In his closing remark, Mr. Patrice NSENGIYUMVA, the Executive Director of FSDS wished a merry Christmas to Refugees and agreed with them on usual cooperation with the focus on better management of the environment as he introduced the Environmental Community Based Initiative project which is under way for implementation.

Burundian Refugees appreciated the gift and expressed their thanks to FSDS organization which recognized their case and assistance in needs.

Bugesera reception center hosts people who fled from Burundi because of political issues in their country. These people are hosted in this center and afterwards are transferred to other camps to get different facilities reserved for the refugees.

Written by Norbert NIYITEGEKA, FSDS Media and Communication Officer.