Job opportunities
Promise House Building, 3rd Floor
Kimironko Sector, Gasabo District
AVE KG11/ Kigali City, Tel. +250 788 564 259 ; +250 788308955
E-mail :
Web site :
FSDS is pleased to communicate to the public that it is recruiting highly motivated and qualified candidates for the mentioned below positions :
The “FOUNDATION SAINT DOMINIQUE SAVIO”- FSDS- in acronym, a Rwandan NGO created and operating in Rwanda since 2001. FSDS is governed by its statutes and is legally registered by RGB (Rwanda Governance Board) according to the law governing NGOs in Rwanda under the RGB’s registration number 043/2014 dated on June 2nd 2014.
FSDS’s Mission is about “To see, to judge and act effectively and efficiently”.
Its vision is “Working for a Peaceful and Just World for Human Dignity” and has the following 4 main objectives accordingly to its sectors of intervention :
1. Promotion of Education and Information and Communication Technology
2. Promotion and protection of displaced people through humanitarian actions
3. Protection of Environment and Climate Change mitigation
4. Promotion of Good governance, Media and Culture of Peace
FSDS delivers considerable value for both our partners mainly beneficiaries, government institutions and funding agencies by focusing on providing better service, professionalism and integrity referencing all staff to ensure we put the right people forward for the right roles.
FSDS commits to abide by Principles of Partnership below as endorsed by the Global Humanitarian Platform (GHP) in July 2007 :
Principle of Equity, Transparency, Result-oriented approach, Responsibility and Complementarily.
This brief description could be completed by visiting the organization website : http://
It is in that context FSDS in close collaboration with MIDIMAR has received funds from FSDS to implement the project related to the “Environment and Energy Management” both in Burundian and Congolese Refugees ‘Camps and the areas surrounding the concerned refugees’ camps and transit centers.
The overall goal of FSDS program in this sector is to improve refugees’ life’s conditions, protecting the environment of the displaced refugees’ population from Eastern DRC and Burundians living in different refugees’ camps located in the country.
FSDS goal is achieved through the provision of basic services (Tree planting, terracing, soil erosion control ,improved nutrition by establishing kitchen gardens thus vegetables and fruits, improved cook stoves and educating environmental activities to the refugees and their host.
Please finds attached document for these job opportunities